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Dear Friends in Christ,
As we reflect on the last several weeks, it is natural to recount the events of February 17th with deep sadness and feelings of loss. Remembering where we were or what we were doing when we heard about the fire will forever be imprinted on our hearts.
We’ve seen the light shine in the darkness many times since the fire. From gathering in those pre-dawn hours with hugs and tears, to finding the steeple cross and other cherished items in the rubble, to the gym full of parishioners that first Sunday morning, to gathering for the potluck dinner on the one-month anniversary, as well as preserving stained-glass memorabilia - these are all examples of how our congregation has united to find the light.
Many are asking, “HOW CAN I HELP?” Here are four ways each of us can make a difference.
1. GATHER. Adhering to our Baptismal Covenant promise to "continue in the apostles' teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in the prayers" by gathering for weekly worship is perhaps more important now than ever. Together, we can uplift each other and stay connected to our Lord.
2. PRAY. Pray daily for all of our people in both the church and the school. Pray especially for Bishop Shannon, for me and Mtr. Trish, the church and school staff and teachers, the Vestry, and the School Board. Pray for strength, wisdom, patience, and perseverance.
3. PRACTICE PATIENCE. The rebuilding process will take the time that it takes. Faithful perseverance over the coming months and years will require a patience that many of us (myself included!) may find spiritually challenging. But we're in this together. We can trust the process. And with God's help and in God's time, we will get there.
4. GIVE. In addition to the weekly Sunday offerings and fulfilling our pledges, we also have a St. Luke's Fire Fund that will assist with rebuilding efforts. You can give to that fund online here: https://onrealm.org/SaintLukesEpisc/-/form/give/fire. You can also write a check payable to St. Luke's and earmarked "Fire Fund." Other giving opportunities will arise as we learn more about construction costs and how much insurance covers.
Each of you is a bright light whom darkness will not overcome. I am deeply grateful for your faithful support of St. Luke’s. Thank you for walking this sacred journey with me.
Yours in the risen Christ,
Fr. Bryan Owen, 6th Rector