Parish Life

Daughters of the King

The Order of the Daughters of the King is an order for laywomen who undertake a Rule of Life, incorporating the Rule of Prayer and the Rule of Service. By reaffirmation of the promises made at Confirmation, a Daughter pledges herself to a life-long program of prayer, service and evangelism, dedicated to the spread of Christ's Kingdom and the strengthening of the spiritual life of her parish. Anna the Prophetess Chapter was established at St. Luke’s in 2004. More details HERE. Contact Gloria McKenzie at (225) 272-9563 for more information.

EfM (Education for Ministry)

EfM is a theological educational program which supports our faith and also teaches us to express that faith in day-to-day events. Every baptized person is called to ministry, and the EfM program 1) provides people with the education to carry out that ministry, and 2) develops an informed and knowledgable laity. Through assigned readings, prayer, and reflection in seminar groups, EfM participants study the entire sweep of Christian tradition, learn to think theologically, and develop skills to be effective ministers in the world. Learn more by e-mailing Janet Holladay or Greg Williams, mentors of the St. Luke's EfM group.

ECW (Episcopal Church Women)

A service and social organization for women of the Episcopal Church. Activities include fellowship and outreach to the broader church and community. One of ECW’s main events is the annual Garage Sale held in the early spring each year. For more information on ECW at St. Luke’s, please contact Sharon Edmon at

Hospitality Guild and Friends of Brother Lawrence

Under the direction of Vee Morrow, the Hospitality Guild provides social hours and fellowship opportunities. Shared meals are opportunities to enact mission and community. A common table with acceptance and equality teaches us grace. There are roughly forty people involved with this ministry. Many volunteers not only prepare food and assist with decorations, but also welcome parishioners and visitors to our events. Activities include Fifth Sunday lunches, Lenten suppers, Crossroads suppers, Christian Formation classes, Bishop's annual visit and confirmation, Advent Wreath Family Gathering, Easter Egg Hunt and more.

Services of the Hospitality Guild are available to the ministries of St. Luke's. For more information, contact Vee Morrow at

Young Adults Ministry

The Young Adult/Family Ministry is being revamped, so pardon our progress! Our focus is to be a group that supports each other as well as our church and community. We will offer small groups/studies, as well as fun events for adults only, and field trips for families. We also plan to organize some community service opportunities. The future of St. Luke's is strong!