Embracing the Journey 2022 was a success. I you could not attend, we still have resources available for you.
A re-cap of Embracing the Journey and resources for you
1 min read
Embracing the Journey
Embracing the Journey came to St. Luke’s on July 16th. Pope Hall was filled with vendors, volunteers and attendees! If you didn’t get a chance to come, and would like materials from the vendors, or would like to contact the vendors for more information, please let me know and I’ll be happy to help you! Vendors included:
Northwestern Mutual
Always Best Care
Fr. Bryan
Church Funeral Services
SHIIP (Medicare)
Veterans’ Affairs
Emend (Organizing Digital Estate)
Many, many thanks to all who made this possible!
Faithfully yours,
Becky Williams, RN, BSN
Director of Health Ministries
Pastoral Care Facilitator bwilliams@stlukesbr.org