Join the St. Luke's Greeters Ministry and help visitors feel welcome and connected as they step foot onto our church campus.
Join the St. Luke's Greeters Ministry
2 min read
Greeters Ministry
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
Baton Rouge, LA
Join the St. Luke's Greeters Ministry and help visitors feel welcome and connected as they step foot onto our church campus.
Why have a Greeter’s Ministry?
The Greeter’s Ministry works as a part of the Invite, Welcome, Connect activities. A simple way to vision this is: Invite = Evangelism; Welcome = Hospitality; and Connect = Lay Ministry involvement
The Greeter’s Ministry is a critical link between the Invite and Welcome steps and, through information gathering, enables the Connect step. Many times, it will be the first personal contact between a person and St. Luke’s and will be a critical first impression. The Greeters also help set the model of a theology of WELCOME and HOSPITALITY to all, including parishioners, at St. Luke’s.
What do the Greeters do?
Besides a big smile and a warm heart, the responsibilities of a Greeter are easy:
Arrive about 15 minutes before service begins
Set up (at 8:45 AM service) and monitor the Visitor Table and Visitor Registry (supplies provided)
Introduce yourself to visitors and greet parishioners, set a welcoming tone
Ask visitors if they would like to sign the visitor log or fill out a visitor card
Pass on the visitor information for follow-up (process TBD)
Store visitor table supplies (after 11:00 AM service)
How often will I serve as a Greeter?
Any Greeter should not be scheduled any more often than one service time per month.
Will I receive training?
Yes, a training session will be held during the early fall.
Please pray and discern if you have a calling to this very important ministry. It will give you a chance to meet new people and see old friends. Please contact Mike Gaudet at 225-229-5584 or if you have any questions or would like to join this ministry.