On behalf of St. Luke’s church family, we thank you for answering God’s invitation to discern how much of your income to give to the missi...
What percentage of my income is God calling me to give?
1 min read
On behalf of St. Luke’s church family, we thank you for answering God’s invitation to discern how much of your income to give to the mission and ministries of St. Luke's.
For those of you who have not yet committed and wish to do so, we still have multiple opportunities for you to respond to the question: “How much of my income is God calling me to give to His church?”
There are pledge cards in the pews to complete, you may go online to either make your pledge there or print a form to mail or you may use the QR code provided here. The online link is: https://www.stlukesbr.org/ways-to-give
Scan the QR code below to pledge.